Conversion to Judaism is a complex matter in Israel. The State conversion system, aimed primarily at Israeli citizens living in Israel, can be inefficient and discouraging. The system is particularly biased against those who immigrated to Israel from the former Soviet Union, those who seek Israeli recognition of conversions undertaken elsewhere, partners of Israeli citizens living outside of Israel who seek to immigrate to Israel, those who wish to convert children of surrogacy, and others.
The ITIM Assistance Center can help:
Explain the State’s conversion requirements
Recommend an appropriate conversion program, including the State program, the Israeli Army’s Nativ program, or ITIM’s Giyur K’Halacha Conversion Court Network
Guide you through the process of converting a minor, including a child of surrogacy
Accompany your family to a State rabbinical court
Clarify the documentation you need
Evaluate your documentation
Looking for a meaningful, inclusive, Orthodox conversion option? Contact ITIM’s Giyur K’Halacha Conversion Court Network